CRM – Comprehensive Resource Model

Using the CRM Model for anxiety, depression and trauma

One of my approaches to help you heal from your anxiety/depression and trauma is the CRM model. It provides the opportunity to re-connect to self and meaning of one’s life including the ability to embody love to one’s actions.

Remembering and re-connecting to our internal, as well as ancestral resources (including the horses), and joy is as important as processing and integrating traumatic and painful memories. This helps to remove distressing emotions we have been carrying whilst living.

To connect internally to the Earth, Universe and the horses as resources, forgotten in our society, will help to transform the aspects of you which are still looping or frozen in a trauma memory that happened a long time ago, or recently, leading to trust your instincts again.

Working with horses

The horses are helping to balance your Autonomous Nervous System providing the basis for processing and are available for resourcing you so that fear and sometimes survival terror can be felt and transformed.

Breathing (there are many techniques) building a geometry grid inside your body helps with the activation of emotions that come up, feeling them fully (in a safe and resourced way) and then releasing them.

To feel the horses presence just for yourself, receiving their unconditional help, is a new experience clients are not used to feel – this helps your autonomous nervous system to send signals to your mid brain that things can change/start to unblock neurological pathways which have been frozen in time.

More about the Comprehensive Resource Model

CRM was conceptualised by Lisa Schwarz with the aim of healing dissociative disorder, Complex PTSD, attachment disorders, and gestational trauma. CRM offers a neurobiological way of healing trauma by focusing on activating areas in the mid brain that are responsible for activating feeling of calm and safety. It is the most advanced way of working existentially in psychotherapy.

Ensō Circle

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