Brainspotting has evolved from another processing method called EMDR (Eye movement Desensitisation Reprocessing).
As an EMDR specialist and always looking for new techniques to find ways of healing clients I found this processing method is achieving for some clients results quicker and in more depth because the therapist provided more safety and relational support.

The story of brain spotting
The discovery of Brainpotting occurred in 2003 with a 16 year old figure ice skater who could not master the triple loop. David Grand targeted the moment her jump went awry. While she tracked his finger crossing her visual field, her eyes wobbled and froze. He instinctively held her gaze at this point.
A torrent of trauma material poured out for the next 10 minutes.
Despite a year of weekly 90 minute sessions new memories of maternal abandonment leading to parental divorce as well as countless sports injuries flowed out with intense emotions.
The next day the young skater performed a flawless triple loop for the first time and she never had the problem again.
How does is work
Where you look reflects how you feel. The eyes are connected to the brain, the brain connects to your nervous system and your body. Meaning what you are feeling in your body is transferred to your brain and vs verse.
We find a the spot (where you are looking at) whist you are thinking or taking about your anxieties or trauma a place where you are most activated whilst thinking about is. With the attunement of the therapist we can then let the body and the brain connect in other words finding and releasing the burden you have been carrying with you for so long and is holding you back in a safe environment to allow the client to achieve a calmer and more grounded way to move on with their lives.
Brainspotting, discovered by David Grand and approved by the British Psychological Society.
If you would like to use this cutting edge therapy please contact me.